Can cayenne pepper help with weight loss?

Le piment de Cayenne peut-il aider à perdre du poids ?

Cayenne pepper is a natural herb that can help you lose weight. 

This pepper can reduce your appetite, speed up your metabolism and help you burn calories.

Human studies over the past 30 years have shown that chili peppers are safe and effective in promoting weight loss control .

What the scientific studies say

The main active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin which is considered by some to be nature's greatest stimulant .

Having become a staple of the best fat burners , this ingredient is beneficial on several levels.

Capsaicin is also found in other types of peppers. Scientists reveal that capsaicin is a thermogenic product . 

A thermogenic product can help speed up your metabolism by activating a rapid chain of events in the body that help burn fat and break it down in the body as well as decrease your appetite.

When thermogenic foods are ingested, the body's core temperature increases, which speeds up the metabolism.

A faster metabolism equals more calories burned . Instead of containing calories and fat, thermogenic foods are used by the body to digest other foods.

How does capsaicin help you lose weight?

Less cravings

A 2014 study showed that people who ate chili peppers with every meal felt an increased feeling of fullness and had fewer food cravings. 

Study results suggest that adding capsaicin to your diet may suppress your appetite . This can lead to decreased calorie intake and increased weight loss.

The study was limited to only 15 subjects. Further research is needed to confirm these results.

Increased metabolism

An older study from 2003 found that women who ate fresh chili peppers increased their metabolic rate for up to 30 minutes after consuming it. 

Your metabolic rate affects how quickly your body converts food and drink into energy. When your metabolism is faster, your body is more likely to convert nutrients into energy rather than stored fat.

A 2010 study demonstrated the potential of dihydrocapsiate to increase metabolic rates. Dihydrocapsiate is a capsinoid found in chili peppers. It is similar to capsaicin. People who took a dihydrocapsiate supplement for a month increased their metabolic rate by about 50 calories.

More calories burned

In addition to increasing your metabolism, cayenne pepper helps you burn calories because it is spicy.

When you eat a hot pepper, your body temperature rises. When your body temperature rises, your body goes into cooling mode. This causes your body to burn calories. A 2011 study found that people who dislike spicy foods had better weight loss results when they started taking cayenne pepper capsules.

It is believed that you may develop a tolerance to the effects of chili peppers. As a result, your weight loss may increase the longer you take supplements or eat spicy peppers.

Capsaicin promotes the release of fat from storage in a process called lipolysis.

Capsaicin activates lipase, which breaks down fat so we can use it as fuel. Once fat is released from storage in our adipose tissue and released into the bloodstream, it then circulates through the bloodstream until it can be used for energy.

So capsaicin can help us burn fat more efficiently than diet and exercise alone. This is one of the major benefits of capsicum for weight loss . When we use fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, it leads to weight loss and extra inches.

How Cayenne Peppers Benefit Overall Health

Cayenne peppers can improve your overall health.

A study has revealed that capsaicin has anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective properties. Researchers gave supplements to 198 healthy participants and 178 participants with gastrointestinal disorders. Both groups benefited from the gastrointestinal benefits of the supplements.

Studies in rats suggest that capsaicin may have positive vascular effects. As a result, it may be beneficial for people with diabetes or people obese . It may also help reduce the risk of stroke and arterial hypertension.

How to Add Cayenne Pepper to Your Diet

You can add cayenne pepper to your diet in several ways. 

You can buy cayenne pepper powder and add it to your water, smoothie, or protein shake. About 28 grams of fresh chili or 1 gram of dried chili can be enough to provide benefits.

If you're not a fan of the taste of cayenne pepper, try adding it to already tasty dishes. Add small amounts to curries, stews, chili or Mexican dishes. Or include capsaicin as a supplement in your diet. Take 30 to 120 milligram capsules one to three times daily.

You can also make an infusion using up to 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder per cup of water. Take a dose of 1 teaspoon of this mixture in a small amount of water several times a day.

Who should not take cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper in supplement form may not be safe for everyone. Do not take cayenne pepper supplements if:

  • You are taking medications that slow blood clotting
  • You have scheduled surgery
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are taking theophylline (Theochron, Uniphyl)
  • You are taking medication for high blood pressure

You should also avoid taking cayenne pepper in high doses or for long periods of time. It should also not be given to children.

Cayenne pepper can cause irritation if it comes into contact with your skin. It can cause heartburn or stomach irritation, so start with a low dose to see how your body reacts.

So, is cayenne pepper good for weight loss?

Definitely, but it's not a magic bullet either.

Capsaicin can promote the release of fat from cells and stimulate fat burning. Still, it's up to you to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

A combination of the right foods, adequate activity and effective supplementation remains the key to achieving your weight loss and body composition goals.

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