Top 10 foods to fight diabetes

Top 10 des aliments pour combattre le diabète

The best foods to fight diabetes

Not all healthy foods are created equal. Green vegetables may be good for you, but the nutrients in iceberg lettuce may not be as plentiful as those in kale, spinach, and Swiss chard.

Besides the nutrient content, the glycemic index (GI) of a food can also help you make healthier choices.

The GI measures how quickly a food will raise blood sugar. Low GI foods have a score of 55 or less, while high GI foods have a score of 70 or more.

In general, lower GI foods are a better choice for people with diabetes . Foods that are both nutritious and to low GI are useful for managing health and blood sugar.

Here are 10 superfoods that are particularly good for diabetics:

1. Non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables have fewer carbs per serving. They understand everything from artichokes and asparagus to broccoli and to beets .

This category of vegetables goes a long way in satisfying your hunger and increasing your intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals.

These vegetables are also low in calories and carbohydrates, making them some of the few foods that people with diabetes can enjoy almost with abandon.

In a  small study from 2011 , researchers have even suggested that people on a low-calorie diet of non-starchy vegetables may successfully reverse type 2 diabetes.

2. Unsweetened Greek yogurt

Studies have shown a lower risk of type 2 diabetes with daily consumption of yogurt.

With a low gastrointestinal index, greek yogurt unsweetened packed with probiotics, calcium and healthy protein. It is also a better option than regular yogurt due to its higher protein and carbohydrate content.

Always check nutrition labels, as some brands are higher in carbs than others, due to additions such as syrup flavors, sweeteners, toppers, or fruit preserves.

Top unsweetened Greek yogurt with nuts and low GI fruit such as blackberries, blueberries or raspberries.

3. Tomatoes

Whether eaten raw or cooked, tomatoes are full of lycopene. It is a powerful substance that can reduce the risk of cancer (especially prostate cancer), heart disease and macular degeneration.

Like other non-starchy fruits, tomatoes have a low GI .

A  study also dating from 2011 a found that 200 grams of raw tomatoes (or about 1.5 medium tomatoes) each day reduced blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes . The researchers concluded that eating tomatoes may help reduce the cardiovascular risk associated with type 2 diabetes .

4. Blueberries and other berries

From vision-protecting vitamin C to fiber filler, blueberries are antioxidant engines.

These berries have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit or vegetable and may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. They also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are also great choices for people with diabetes .

5. Oranges and other citrus fruits

The pulp of orange and grapefruits is an excellent source of fibre. To maximize this, be sure to eat the whole fruit rather than just drinking the juice.

A  study in 2008 found that citrus consumption may reduce the risk of diabetes in women, but fruit juice consumption may increase this risk.

The medium orange has a GI of 40 while unsweetened orange juice has a GI of 50 .

The citrus fruit with the lowest GI score is grapefruit. With a score of 25 , grapefruit has one of the lowest GI scores of any fruit.

6. Wild salmon and other fish containing omega-3 fatty acids

the Salmon savage is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids , which can reduce your risk of heart disease.

It is also full of vitamin D and of selenium for healthy hair, skin, nails and bones. Others Pisces rich in nutrients include herring, sardines and mackerel.

Since fish and other protein foods do not contain carbohydrates, they will not raise blood sugar. Adding salmon to a meal can help slow the digestion of other foods eaten in that meal and increase satiety.

fish oil is another source of omega-3 fatty acids . Ask your doctor before taking any supplements to see which, if any, are best for your condition.

7. Walnuts, flaxseeds and other nuts and seeds

Nuts and the linseed contain magnesium, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

Walnuts also contain alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that improves heart health and lowers cholesterol. They are full of vitamin E, folic acid, zinc and protein.

Many other nuts provide healthy fats and can curb hunger, but these two are particularly powerful.

Replacing nuts and other healthy fats with carbs can help lower blood sugar. Nuts usually have very low GI scores.

Want another reason to snack on nuts? Very old research has shown that people who regularly eat nuts are less likely to develop diabetes .

8. Beans

Beans are some of nature's most nutritious foods.

They are high in fiber and protein, making them a great option for vegetarians and vegans. They also provide essential minerals like magnesium and potassium.

Their GI is low. Soybeans rank around 16, while kidney beans come in at 24 and chickpeas around 28.

According to one study in 2012 , beans may be a good way to control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes . They may also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

9. Kale and other leafy greens

The kale is the king of super healthy green vegetables . It provides more than 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and K.

Collard greens are another leafy green that packs a ton of nutrients in a small package.

Kale contains chemicals called glucosinolates that help neutralize carcinogens. It's also full of potassium and has been shown to help manage blood pressure.

This is another reason why it is considered a superfood for people with diabetes .

10. Barley, lentils and other whole grains

whole grains are full of antioxidants and soluble and insoluble fiber. These help metabolize fat and keep the digestive track healthy.

People who regularly eat hulled barley generally have lower blood cholesterol levels. The grain also keeps blood sugar stable.

lentils are another good option as they provide B vitamins, iron, complex carbohydrates and protein.

While stone-ground 100% whole wheat bread is considered a low GI food, other types of whole wheat bread may have a GI medium , with scores between 56 and 69.

Eating whole grains can help  lessen the risk of developing type 2 diabetes , if you choose the right type.

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