How to stop overeating

Suralimentation: comment arrêter de manger en trop grande quantité

There is no real secret to losing weight.

Moderate your diet and exercise more - that's it, simplicity is key! With that in mind, here are some tips to stop overeating .


How to stop overeating?

Overeating is a problem that many people share. The inability to stop overeating is one of the main reasons so many people are overweight or obese.

Although many overweight people have no one to blame but themselves, there may be other contributing factors as well and some of these may come from outside.

It's not just friends and family that exert this kind of pressure. Fast food establishments can be just as bad.

These large portions can very easily become the norm and once you get used to eating more it becomes very difficult to stick to one. diet that involves eating less .

Overeating doesn't just lead to weight gain, it can also present a multitude of health problems. 

Joint pain, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, snoring…the list goes on. The problem with overeating is that it can quickly become a habit.

So how do you stop overeating? Can you do something ? Fortunately, there are several steps you can take. However, don't try to fool yourself that there are easy routes to take.

Many roads lead to Babylon, but all involve different levels of sacrifice and hard work.

Ready to change for the better? This article outlines some of the best strategies you can use to get your overeating “habit” under control.

Top tips to avoid overeating

Although overeating involves overeating, many things can cause you to overeat.

When you're not careful about how much you eat, it's very easy to ingest too much.

Some people start “comfort eating” as a coping mechanism for stress, others overeat because of a busy lifestyle or a lack of quality meal time.

When people are so busy that they get into the habit of eating on the run or multitasking during meals, they can become so distracted that they don't notice how much they're eating.

try eating foods that actually help suppress your appetite and to curb the feeling of hunger and take an appetite suppressant supplement before meals such as konjac .

This observation brings us neatly to the first step you can take to try to get your bad eating habits under control.

1. Plan three regular meals a day

You can do it in an optimized and simplified way thanks to our nutritional programs designed for this purpose.

Breakfast lunch and dinner. That's all you need. 

Of course, you can also add some snacks, but if you're trying to lose weight, that can be counterproductive.

You will need to choose healthy foods that are low in sugar and fat and low in calories . Any weight loss trainer or nutritionist will tell you that.

You will also need to avoid the temptation to cram too much food on your plate. Portion control is key.

However, if you don't allow yourself the luxury of fixed meal times and don't let them distract you, it will be easier to overeat.

When you're watching TV, doing paperwork, talking on the phone, or doing other tasks, it's easy to get so distracted that you barely notice food going into your mouth. You might barely be aware of the taste and not appreciate all of it.

Getting distracted can also make you feel like you haven't eaten at all. This may make you want to have a second serving or have a snack.

2. Take your time - It's a meal, not a run

Fast eating can also lead to overeating. There's a lot to be said for taking your time and enjoying your food.

When you eat too quickly, the stomach doesn't have enough time to signal to the brain that it's full. So another good way to stop overeating is to eat slowly and get the most out of your meals.

If that sounds absurd, you might be interested in the results of a diet study published in Physiology & Behavior in December 2015. It was conducted on adults eating 400ml servings of tomato soup.

Adults who ate their soup slowly felt more full after the meal than those who ate their soup quickly.

3. Use a smaller plate

The size of your plate can have a psychological impact on your hunger. If you normally eat from a large plate and then reduce your portion sizes, the extra space on the plate only confirms the fact that you are eating less.

If you eat your smaller portion from a smaller plate, the plate will still look full. On a subliminal level, it can help you feel like you've eaten more than you actually have.

4. Make fiber your friend

Fiber-rich foods increase satiety. To put it another way, they have a good stomach filling effect.

Due to the fact that they take longer to digest, foods high in fiber can also keep your stomach full for longer. This will make it easier to avoid the temptation to snack between meals.

Here are some good sources of fiber:

  • Whole grains
  • oats
  • Apples
  • Broccoli
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Lentils, beans and peas
  • Nuts and seeds

Fiber-rich foods also promote good gut health, and certain types of fiber provide additional benefits by feeding the probiotic bacteria that live in the gut.

There are many reasons to consume more fiber. Avoiding the desire to overeat is just one of them.

5. Eat protein

Most people know that the protein are the nutrient that builds muscle. However, it's not just good for pumping up your pecs and biceps. Protein can also increase your level of satiety.

Like fiber, protein takes a while to digest; so be a fickle food lover and enjoy a lasting friendship with fiber while making protein your friend.

Protein-rich foods can keep your stomach full better than any other type of food.

Eating lots of protein for breakfast can be especially good, as it appears to lower ghrelin (the hunger hormone).

6. Don't skip meals

Some people skip meals because they think it will help them lose weight. Don't fall into this trap. People who skip meals often compensate by eating too much during their other meals of the day.

7. Avoid stressful people and situations

Yes ! It's easier said than done, but there's a lot you can do to avoid stress if you can.

Besides doing lots of other bad things to the body, which we don't need to get into here, stress can cause you to overeat.

In addition, the results of a clinical review of several studies evaluating the relationship between stress and obesity confirm that this is true.

If you can't avoid stress, try to control it. Don't let it control you.

Things that can help combat stress include:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga, Tai Chi and similar activities
  • Exercise regularly
  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Keep a gratitude journal to help you focus on all the good things about your day

8. Keep a food diary

Food diaries are a simple tool that anyone can use to try to control their eating habits.

A good food diary allows you to keep track of what you eat and when you eat.

Many also allow you to log other factors, such as who you were with when you ate and your state of mind.

You need to record things honestly, but a food diary is a good way to reveal the things you're getting in our diets. And, of course, the things you get wrong.

9. Sort out your cupboards

There is a lot to do to make a fresh start. 

If your refrigerator and cupboards still contain unhealthy items such as cookies, candies and ice cream, this will not help you.

When you know such items are always in your home, it will only encourage you to snack. Especially when you are feeling down or your hunger level is a bit higher than normal.

How to Stop Overeating - The Conclusion

There are many things you can do to stop overeating. 

This article provides some ideas you can try. However, when trying to eat less and lose weight, determination and focus will be your two greatest assets, with honesty a close second.

Giving in to temptation is very easy. Making excuses and finding ways to justify overeating is also easy, but the only person you'll be cheating on is yourself.

Dieting always involves some hunger. If the situation becomes unbearable, instead of giving in, try another tactic or change or perspective. There are also many appetite suppressing supplements that can help.

Never lose hope. If you want to stop overeating, you can, and as your body adjusts to less food, the temptation to overeat will gradually fade away.

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