Bottled water or tap water? The pros and cons

Eau en bouteille où eau du robinet ? Les pour et les contres

It is often said that drinking tap water can be dangerous for your health. As a result, in general, the French have chosen to favor bottled water.

However, an American study recently revealed that it does not really meet the criteria for drinking water. It turns out that it contains small plastic particles. Should we settle for tap water?

About the quality of tap water

Quality water is part of a healthy diet . According to a survey conducted by the consumer association UFC-Que Choisir, residents in large cities have access to quality tap water. It must be said that these municipalities have an adequate budget to finance the depollution of water. Thus, the potability of the water is ensured.

On the other hand, in small towns, tap water is polluted. According to the UFC, it is contaminated with nitrates, pesticides, arsenic and bacteria. Drinking this polluted water in large quantities could cause various intestinal disorders. In children, it may affect their intellectual development.

What about the quality of bottled water?

The study conducted by American scientists, published on the Orb Media media platform on March 14, 2018, calls into question the quality of bottled water. She revealed that the drink is also contaminated with microplastics. Led by professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia, Sherri Mason, the researchers carried out tests on 250 samples of bottled water offered by 11 different brands.

In 93% of the products tested, they found the presence of plastic particles with a size of 0.10 millimeters. According to Sherri Mason, the bottling process is the source of these contaminations. Is there a health risk? For the moment, the dangers represented by these microplastics remain unknown.

However, a report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2017 may deter fans of bottled water. He mentioned that small debris in the water can enter the bloodstream and then reach the liver and kidneys according to tests performed on rats. According to the researchers, they will be able to cross the intestine.

So bottled water or tap water?

A recent study conducted by German researchers gave rather reassuring results regarding the potability of bottled water. So you can continue to drink it safely.

That said, before purchasing, always check the label to check the components of the water to make sure you're getting a healthy diet . For example, its fluorine content must not exceed 5mg/l.

When it comes to tap water, consumers should check the quality of drinking water in their cities. To do this, simply consult the results of the health check via the map of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.

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