All about macronutrients

Tout savoir sur les macronutriments

Macronutrients are present in every food we eat.

Knowing their content can help you prevent certain diseases and delay premature aging.

For athletes, this contributes to the improvement of overall performance and the proper development of muscles.

Definition of a macronutrient

A macronutrient is a chemical substance that produces energy. Living organisms need it in large quantities for their proper functioning. Carbohydrates , fats and proteins form what are called macronutrients.

The deficiency in these elements leads to severe disorders in humans. It should be emphasized that macronutrients have a big role to play in development and growth. They participate in the proper functioning of blood circulation and cognitive functions of the brain.

The point on the different types of macronutrients 


Lipids come in the form of fat. Several types of fats exist, but it is necessary to privilege those which are “healthy” (mono-unsaturated like avocados or polyunsaturated like omega-3). We must at all costs avoid or limit those resulting from industrial processes.

Note that lipids participate in the formation of cell membranes and in the production of certain essential hormones, as well as in the transport of hormones, proteins and vitamins in the blood.


Carbohydrates are the macronutrients that supply the cells of the body with energy. After degradation and transformation, they become glucose then glycogen . The transformed carbohydrates are localized in the muscle cells and in the liver. The body uses it to provide the energy needed for sports and other activities.

Carbohydrates help keep the brain in good condition, especially the neurons. Their consumption helps regulate appetite, improve sleep and memory. Note that the carbohydrate provides 4cal/gr.

The proteins

Composed of amino acids, proteins are known primarily for their role in building muscle . They are also involved in the development and repair of bones. The body needs it for the production of antibodies, hormones as well as for the production of cell membranes.

The deficiency in this macronutrient favors premature aging and the state of weakness. Protein deficiency is also responsible for loss of concentration and muscle wasting.

When you lack protein, you can suffer from sleep problems and joint discomfort. Protein intake should be proportional to body weight, ie 0.8 to 0.95g/kg for adults and 1 to 1.5g/kg for children.

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