20% training, 80% on the plate?

20% d'entraînement, 80% dans l'assiette ?

This sentence made famous for some time really deserves to be taken seriously? Yes indeed.

When it comes to sports, nutrition plays an essential role.

Indeed, regular training coupled with a poor diet will in no way be beneficial for your athletic performance and your aesthetics.

Conversely, a diet adapted to your sports activities will be the key to your success.

Even if it is sometimes difficult to accept this reality because eating is also a pleasure, you must also know that your health and your state of form will depend on your nutrition.

But why ?

Several scientific studies reveal that diet has a crucial role to play in sports performance. Athletes must favor foods with a high nutritional density to avoid any deficit that could lead to a state of fatigue or weakness. In other words, it is essential that the food ration provides the nutrients useful to the body. Discover the recommended foods for a good sports diet !

Foods rich in carbohydrates

For athletes who are wondering what to eat to maximize performance , start by consuming (in moderation) carbohydrate-rich foods. In fact, it turns out that sugar provides fuel to the muscles. This is muscle glycogen. This element allows the athlete to have endurance and good performance.

However, it is not a question of stuffing yourself with treats. Sources of carbohydrates should be chosen with care and consumed in moderation. Foods containing fast sugar are not very advisable. Indeed, the body especially needs complex carbohydrates. They are to be found in wholemeal bread, cereals, wholemeal pasta, legumes, honey as well as fresh and dried fruits.

protein foods

A good diet for athletes should also be rich in protein, but not just any protein. Indeed, they must not contain fat. What are the functions of lean proteins? First of all, they optimize the stability of energy, which allows athletes to avoid fatigue during training. But what is even more important is that proteins contribute to the increase in muscle mass and the maintenance of tissues.

Regarding the protein foods to favor, there are poultry without skin, fish and seafood, dairy products with 0% MG, legumes, soy milk and tofu. Algae like spirulina are also excellent sources of protein. In addition, they are full of vitamins.

Foods high in fiber

A sports diet to improve performance also includes foods rich in fiber. They promote the assimilation of nutrients and trace elements by the body. In addition, they improve the digestion of sugars and the stability of blood sugar levels. Foods with soluble fiber are the most recommended.

On the list, there are cereals including rye bread, barley flour and buckwheat. Vegetables such as squash, carrots and potatoes without the skin are also good sources of fibre. It is necessary to add to the batch the fruits like peach, orange, nectarine and grapefruit. It should be emphasized that good hydration is also vital for athletes and that micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids and amino acids) should not be neglected!

Eating healthy doesn't have to be restrictive

Our organization works with nutrients it receives, the importance of eating correctly is therefore fundamental. In the same way that a car running on diesel will not be able to run on gasoline. The process with the human body is relatively similar. We are not talking about total restriction, but about feed intelligently .

Most people who start exercising, especially bodybuilding, do so for aesthetic purposes in addition to the feeling of well-being. Some of them wonder why they are not getting the desired results after months of work, apart from genetics, age or body type, the main problem is still their diet.

There are many varieties of fruits, vegetables, raw vegetables, condiments etc. which will make you happy. In addition, after a certain period of adaptation and once the good habits are in place, your body will then demand the good foods to abandon the bad ones, it will be mechanical!

Find all of our nutritional programs by clicking here .

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