
Les 7 meilleurs antibiotiques naturels

The 7 Best Natural Antibiotics

Science is still dubious about natural antibiotics. Although people have been using these remedies through their nutrition for hundreds of years, most treatments have yet to be tested. However, som...

Nutrition adaptée et luminothérapie: quels effets sur la perte de poids ?

Adapted nutrition and light therapy: what effects on weight loss?

This article provides an overview of clinical research demonstrating how light therapy coupled with nutrition healthy can help people lose weight , tone their body, reduce their fat mass or even th...

Croissance de l’enfant : quels aliments privilégier ?

Child growth: which foods to favor?

To ensure its growth, the child must enjoy a diet ideally composed of nutritious foods in sufficient quantity. Indeed, only a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can meet the daily needs of ...

micronutriments - programme nutritionnel programme alimentaire

Micronutrients: what are they?

Every food we eat contains nutrients. Among them, there is what is called macronutrient or micronutrient. Unlike the first, the second category of nutrients does not provide our body with any calor...

programme alimentaire sel ne pas mangé trop salé

The health risks associated with excess salt

Excessive consumption of salt can have harmful consequences on our body . Mainly in cardiovascular diseases but not only, excess salt can also cause

Pourquoi l'alcool et le sport ne font pas bon ménage

Why alcohol and sports don't mix

For some people, the increase in alcohol consumption due to this period has consequences on their training and on their general condition.